Honors 211/SLAV 425: Ways of Meaning

Honors 211 was an introduction to linguistics and understanding the concept of meaning. I was able to further study Spanish which I had already taken some classes of in high school, and I wrote this paper which won an award from the Slavic Languages and Literatures department. as well as this Honors reflection about why I took the class.

CSE 143X

I had decided to try something new, namely computer science. Due to time constraints, I had to join CSE 143X, the combined version of 142/143. It was extremely daunting, both due to the pace of the material as well as the huge amount of knowledge everyone else in the class already had. However, it turned out to be a truly rewarding experience, and I emerged with a brand new understanding and appreciation of the fundamentals of programming and computer science as a whole.

padString code

Brunton Lab

The Brunton Lab was my first major experience not only with computational neuroscience, but with applied computer science as a whole. My project involved using facial recognition and machine learning techniques to automatically determine facial pose, and then correlate it with emotion. It was a fantastic opportunity to apply my skills from my intro CSE classes as well as learn more about neurobiology and machine learning.

Facial recognition example